Adur Council to ensure completion of Albion Street development in Shoreham

Released: Friday, 22 December 2023

We have signed a deal to ensure the completion of our Albion Street development of new council homes.

In September contractor Westridge Construction went into administration as it was approaching the final stages of building our 49 new homes in Southwick.

Now we have signed a contract with Sussex-based building firm Cheesmur to pick up where Westridge left off.

Work began at Albion Street in 2021 but stopped when Westridge collapsed. Cheesmur has now taken control of the site and expects to complete the new homes by summer 2024.

Cllr Carson Albury, Adur's cabinet member for Adur Homes and customer services, said:

“We urgently need more homes for local families. Getting the Albion Street development completed will mean dozens of our residents will have better places to live and better lives from 2024.

“We've worked with Cheesmur on other projects and we're delighted that they will drive forward with this development to create these extra council homes over the next few months.”

A total of 25 one-bedroom and 24 two-bedroom flats are being built, all of which will go to people on our housing list.

There are more than 900 households on Adur's housing register, including many who are currently having to be housed by us outside the district. The new flats will allow families to be brought back to Adur to be closer to their jobs, their children's schools and their friends and families.

We will provide updates on the development via our website and on the council's Facebook page.

Photo: The development in Albion Street

PR22-172+23-184 - Work on 49 new homes in Albion Street is expected to be completed in April 2023


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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